Friday, October 22, 2010

BDSM, subbies, slaves and Gorean men

What follows is one of a long series of essays which I published under the heading of The Bear Bitch Project.  These essays were available for public consumption from roughly early 1998 until 2004. While most of the topics in some manner concern "online Gor" (and my subsequent disillusionment in it) I am pleased to present these essays to my current audience both as a matter of topical interest and as a historical touch-point (read: Bear was always a blunt and opinionated jerk, even back then).

From me to you, enjoy.


Feb 09,1999. 


Tonight, in the #silk&Steel on, we had a mini-discussion about roots, and it was remarked that many of us had once come from the bdsm community, and had left it to find another, more fulfilling, path. That got us onto differences, and this and that, and we soon got off-topic. ;0)

But the thought stuck with me, when a girl noted that she cannot go back to her bdsm "friends" any longer, because they now attack her and what she is; a Gorean slave girl. I explained to her that the reason they attack her now, is simple.

They *fear* her.

Think about that for a moment. 

Below, I reprint a message from a bdsm listserv by a bdsm submissive named damnjesse. It was written almost a year ago, and I have not seen a bdsm'er ever put things so succinctly before or since. I had contacted this person, and have obtained permission to repost this note once before, and I do so again by that same agreement.

The only background that you need before you read this is that it seems that two men who treat their slaves as Gorean slave girls (one being Risk of the S&S, the other I am not aware of) were in a discussion with the rest of the listserve about what that treatment is, and how it differs.

Listen to what one sub learned about herself and the differences between the two communities. I bid you, enjoy.



I'm going to take this a step further because I see something else that might be playing a role in this. If you set aside the fact that Risk is Gorean, I think that he and Ken have one thing in common that seems to rub a lot of people wrong. The way they view their slaves. The "She will do things my way, or I'll replace her with a slave that will." They have the "I don't NEED a slave" and the "What gift?" attitude.

That doesn't always sit well with the "My submission is a gift to be cherished, and he would never put my emotions at risk by requiring that I don't do something that I don't want to do" crowd. When scarlett and kimiko agree that this is indeed the way their Masters view them, and they EXPECT to be viewed as expendable if they fail to meet his needs...we are left shaking our heads wondering what's wrong with them?

Don't they know that this is about them? Damn, they talk as though they really ARE slaves. But they can't be, because I am a slave! I have a safeword, limits and if something comes up that I really don't want to do, then Master will talk about it with me until he agrees that now might not be the best time. 

Now the above is somewhat tongue in cheek, but I also believe there is some truth to it. You see, I would love to explore slavery on that level. I love non consensual stories, the idea of being completely used without a thought to my needs, but hey we're talking reality here right? So it's hard not to attack someone when they seem to have come closer to achieving it than I have.

I will point out all the reasons why their views are...unreasonable. And god/goddess help them if they are into Gor, because I can pounce on that to prove that they are not, never will be, in touch with reality. But it's not really about them as much as it's about me. I don't like it when someone else makes my submission "feel" or "seem" inferior whether that's what they are trying to do or not. So I feel I must show them the error of their ways. now, I know that I am only speaking for myself, but after examining why I feel such a need to challenge another persons submission, that is part of the truth that I found behind my actions.

YMMV jesse