What do I believe?
I believe in myself.
I believe in the men and women whom I admire, whose achievements and triumphs give me inspiration.
I believe in Karma.
I believe that at least
I believe in Honor and acting honorably in a society where such a thing is viewed as a weakness to be exploited.
I believe in the men of my Home Stone, while none of us are perfect, we share a bond, and are of the same Home Stone.
I believe that a grand concert piano, even though it is placed between two slices of pumpernickle bread with lettuce tomato and a little bit of mayo, will still taste mostly like a grand concert piano.
I believe in strength; of arm, of body, of soul.
I believe in love, and that there are differing forms of it.
I believe that Brad Pitt *does* resemble that fellow who looks at me in the bathroom mirror each morning.
I believe that the world is going to change, and soon, and that we are woefully unprepared for it.
I believe that children are precious and innocent, and deserve a chance to be both.
I believe that while chocolate may well be an aphrodesiac, it should not be consumed only for that purpose.
I believe that one of the Gor gamer/Doms we speak of, soon now, will appear on Jerry Springer to speak about the "gorean bdsm lifestyle".
I believe that when that happens, I may well turn and never be heard from in public again.
I believe that no one starts out to hurt people, but that their selfishness will not allow them to stop playing the games that do.
I believe in the sunrise, slowly appearing over the Atlantic ocean.
I believe in myself.
I wish you well.